Контактный человек : Jennifer Zheng
Телефон : 86-577-88986690
Факс : 86-577-88863398
почта : sales@mifiachina.com
Skype : mifiajennifer
After our three months previous preparation,Now MIFIA shopin alibaba officially launched.In MIFIA SHOP,you could justpurchase online,you can even get our promotion discount andthe better and easy communication,it also reduces the delivery time,so you could get the goods you want very fast.
To satisfy different customer's needs, we do some research often market trend and devote to develop more and more new products. In order to express our appreciate from our customers' support,MIFIA often hold on some activity(such as group purchase),if you want to know more details, please contact with our sales.
We all believe this new innovation will bring both our team
and customers more convenience and surprise. We believe that tomorrow will be better.
Thank you very much~